The school was built in 1910 and officially opened in November 1911. The building then consisted of two schools, with the girls' school at the front and the boys' school at the back each containing two classrooms divided by a folding partition. They had separate entrances. In 1949 a doorway was constructed between the two schools and they were amalgamated. Central heating was installed in 1971. Work began on an extension in 1997 and was completed by Easter of 1999 and the school acquired its current name Scoil Réalt na Mara in May of 1999. The school had a further extension built in 2019. A new classroom and link corridor were added to replace a prefabricated structure. We were also fortunate to receive approval to upgrade our emergency lighting and fire alarm system for the entire building during this project.
All About Our School
New Classroom Extension
An application for additional accommodation was submitted to the Department of Education on January 18 2016. The Board of Management have worked diligently throughout the process supported by the appointed consultants. We were thrilled in February 2019 that the build had finally become a reality. We feel extremely fortunate to now have a link corridor which was approved late in the process and a well finished classroom conducive to learning with plenty of storage. There were a lot of ooh’s and ah’s when the children first entered the room so it must be said, we have their approval. In addition, the school received funding to upgrade emergency lighting and the fire alarm to meet current standards.
The Parents Council kindly paid for 50% of their interactive board and the day before school started the staff happily assembled the flat packed furniture. It certainly has been an adventure engaged in by all. A true reflection of our wonderful school, the togetherness and the whole school community spirit.

Annual Events
End of Year BBQ

The final month of the academic year is novel and full of adventure. We explore our local environment, go further a field on school tours and spend a day on Shanagarry pitch, a day full of activity! The Board of Management host a school and wider community BBQ in celebration of all that has been done in the school. Children, staff, parents, Board of Management members and the wider community gather together at our end of year BBQ.
Seldom does the opportunity arise where we the stakeholders of our wonderful school can unify and socialise together. This is an evening and opportunity we cherish. The schools successes, achievements and work are celebrated on the night. We are extremely fortunate to have had a resident chef year after year, the selection of desserts provided by children and parents are to die for and the Board of Management arrange for an ice cream van !Background music provided and there is something for everyone. Remember, all are welcome so bring yourself and your own beverage of choice!
End of Year Fun Day
The final month of the academic year is novel and full of adventure. We explore our local environment, go further a field on school tours and spend a day on Shanagarry pitch. Its a day to acknowledge and praise the hard work and good behavior of all the children throughout the year. The pitch is divided into seven different designated activities but the highlight for the children has to be the Bouncy Castle funded by the Board of Management
School Tours

Individual class teachers plan and coordinate a tour geared towards their specific class level. Each teacher rotates their tour choice to ensure variety and a broad experience over the school life of the child.
Annual Christmas Concert

Take to the Stage! Our annual Christmas Concert is an event performed in by every child from Junior Infants up to Sixth Class. Each class rehearse and practise their play/ songs. The performances are presented on stage for two evening shows. Its rewarding to see the children shine on the stage. #buddingactors #addlibmoments
School Self Evaluation
School self-evaluation was formally introduced into the Irish school system in 2012 as a collaborative, reflective process of internal school review, focused on school improvement. School self-evaluation further develops the school development planning process, and focuses it firmly on teaching and learning.
School self-evaluation involves reflective enquiry leading to action planning for improvement that is informed by evidence gathered within each school’s unique context. The process enables schools to use this evidence to identify meaningful and specific targets and actions for improvement that focus on teaching and learning practices.
Some of our self evaluation initiatives
Plean Feabhsúcháin as Gaeilge 2019-2020. Fuair na múinteoirí tacaíocht ón PDST. Tá súil againn go mbainfidh na páistí taitneamh as an Gaeilge a labhairt agus go n-úsáidfidh na páistí frásaí agus briathra go nádúrtha sa rang agus sa chlós.
We are engaging in School Self Evaluation in Irish. We received support from the PDST. We hope the children will enjoy speaking Irish and that they will use phrases and verbs narurally in class and on the yard.

Digital Learning Framework
We are currently engaging with the Digital Learning Framework. We received support from a PDST facilitator, training and drafted our Digital Learning Plan in 2018/2019.
Restorative Practice

We undertook self-evaluation of the teaching and learning during 2021 and 2022. We evaluated the proportion of child led resolution and interactions among and between pupils. The focus to improve our practice further was explicit use of Restorative Practice to promote positive relationships and Wellbeing. To refrain from asking why when discussing conflict and disagreements and to encourage pupil led engagement by displaying the questions on the yard for referral.
Board of Management
Chairperson: Joe Higgins
Health & Safety Officer: Paul Kielty
Maintenance Officer: Seán O' Mhurchú
Treasurer : Gráinne O'Connor
Parent Council Liaison: Lorna Dunne
Recording Secretary: Ben Daly
Principal: Eilís Casey
The Rev Fr. Michael Dorgan